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Automate 90% of the manual, error-prone busywork, so you can focus on more strategic FP&A work.

  • Get up-and-running in minutes, not months like other solutions
  • Consolidate cross-system data using 150+ no-code integrations
  • Supercharge your spreadsheets with real-time updates
  • Scale your output without scaling your team
  • Streamline decision-making and collaboration

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Gain full access to all features. Cancel and remove your data at any time if you don't love what you see.

Real users, real results

"You weren't kidding when you said it's plug-and-play and you immediately play. We were up and running in the same week."

Connie Ho
Sr. Finance Manager

"Aleph has totally revolutionized the way that we do FP&A at AllCloud."

Ryan Freudenburg
Director of FP&A

"Aleph added the output of at least one analyst without hiring anyone, and by the end of this year, it will be two."

Axel Amar
Sr. Director of FP&A

"There are tons of instances where Aleph saves us two hours here, three hours there, eight hours here."

Gregory Silva
Head of Finance

"Aleph has made the deliverables process a lot smoother while giving us more confidence in the numbers.”

Joe Dizon
Director of Finance

“YC is hesitant to build processes around a solution as new as Aleph, but Aleph was worth the risk.”

Ani Kochiashvili
Finance Technology Lead

"Aleph has allowed us to keep our headcount flat for probably another year."

Chris Brubaker
VP of Finance

“Aleph allowed us to update our financial reporting with just a few clicks, in Excel”

Sergio Prada
FP&A Director

"Aleph understood the challenges of private equity reporting and knew exactly what portfolio companies needed to do.”

Jeff Berry
VP of Finance

The flexibility of spreadsheets, superpowered

Get all the power of a robust FP&A tool without having to leave your spreadsheets