Collaborative budget planning and tracking
Streamline your budget planning and tracking processes with a collaborative solution that budget owners will actually update and monitor.
Trusted by industry-leading finance teams
Centralize your budgeting templates
Get the collaboration of a web-based planning tool with the flexibility and ease of use of spreadsheets.
- Build and share connected templates with budget owners
- Pull or push changes using bi-directional Excel and Google Sheets add-ins
- Version control tracks and backs up every change
Sync actuals in real time
Sync and consolidate raw, real-time data from your ERP and accounting systems using no-code connectors.
- Add structure to ERP data without changing the structure of your ERP
- Group, reclassify, and rename entries using mappings
- Route vendor and department-level spend to the proper budgets
Automate variance reporting
Automatically run your actuals against your plans, building ready to use BvA tables in real time.
- Eliminate manual exports and complex, error-prone consolidations
- Update spreadsheets with the click of a button or on a schedule
- Drill down to the most granular level of detail behind any variance
Visualize and share progress
Bring your data to life, leveraging the same source of truth that powers your budget spreadsheets—and so much more.
- Build and share web-based dashboards and data visualizations
- Spotlight budgets and actuals alongside other core KPIs
- Align teams around their purpose and progress
- Sync live charts directly into slideshows and documents
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